- Chickens were stuffed into extremely crowded warehouses, where they had to push and shove in order to reach their food.
- Birds were bred to grow so large so quickly that many suffered in agony when their weak legs could not support their weight.
- Barns were littered with the carcasses of chickens who died from fatal diseases.
- Many sick and injured chickens never received medical attention.
- Chickens suffered at the hands of callous workers who neglected to observe even minimum animal welfare standards.
If Muttiah Muralitharan has a heart and doesn't want to spoil his recognition, he better don't support KFC. Let him know that more than 12,500 demonstrations were
held against KFC across the globe. Celebrities like Anoushka Shankar, Pundit Ravi Shankar, Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and dozens of other well known scholars, authors and world leaders are boycotting KFC, let Muralitharan join them! For more info about KFC's cruelty visit http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com/india.asp
Please write to Muttiah Muralitharan at info@muralitharan.org or leave him a comment about KFC on his personal website: http://muralitharan.org/2009/03/05/welcome/#comments

Please write to Muttiah Muralitharan at info@muralitharan.org or leave him a comment about KFC on his personal website: http://muralitharan.org/2009/03/05/welcome/#comments